
Apr, 2021 - by CMI


Natural way to body to deal with difficult situations is stress. The stress floods the body with hormones that prepare the body's systems to avoid or face risk. This is generally referred to as the fight-or-flight answer. Humans have a partly physical reaction such as tense muscles or upset stomach when confronted with a challenge or danger. The body releases hormones that allow people to either stay and face the challenge or flee as fast as possible. The chemicals epinephrine, cortisol, and norepinephrine are produced in greater quantities by the body when stress is caused. The following physical reactions are triggered as a result of stress:

  • high blood pressure
  • increased muscle readiness
  • shivering
  • attentiveness

All of these factors help an individual respond to a potentially dangerous or difficult situation. A higher heart rate is also caused by norepinephrine and epinephrine.

There are many things that can lead to stress such as fear of losing, death of a loved one, separation, losing a job, not getting a job.  Hence, these are some of the reasons for having stress but not just this positive events can also cause stress like getting a responsibility irrespective of it being small or big, someone depending on you, or the need to prove yourself. Stressors are environmental factors that cause this the following reactions such as noises, violent actions, a speeding car, scary movie scenes, or even going out on a first date are all examples. Stress levels appear to rise in in accordance to the number of stressors.

Human psychological behavior include stress and pressure. Any activity or thinking that makes one upset, angry, or anxious may cause stress. The body's response to a threat or a requirement that creates pressure is called stress. However, stress is not necessarily a bad thing; it keeps a person on edge, prevents them from being too relaxed, and ultimately leads to better performance. Taking on too much stress and pressure, on the other hand, may make even the simplest task challenging. Here are some suggestions to help relieve stress:

Ways to deal with pressure:

  • Listen to music:

If one feels stressed by a stressful situation, it is better to take break and listen to some soothing music. Music has a powerful impact on both the body and the mind. Quick music helps one feel relaxed and feel more aware. Groovy tunes also improves mood and helps one feel more positive and optimistic. A slower pace music can calm one’s mind and loosen their muscles, helping them feel calmer and letting go of the day's tension. Music can aid in relaxation and to control tension. These personal musical observations are backed up by research. According to the studies by University of Nevada, music with a beat rate of 60 beats per minute may cause the brain to synchronize with beat, resulting in alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 - 14 hertz or cycles per second). When one is relaxed and aware, humans have this alpha brainwave. A individual need to spend at least 45 minutes in a comfortable place, listening to relaxing music to induce sleep (a delta brainwave of 5 hertz). According to Stanford University researchers, music has the ability to modify brain activity to the same degree as medicine.

  • Talk it out with a friend:

When someone is depressed, they should take a break and call a friend or someone with whom they can open up and discuss their issues. A balanced lifestyle necessitates good relationships with friends and loved ones. However, the person must choose the friend carefully as the friend can help in many ways but they can also cause damage by giving wrong advice.

  • Talk yourself through it:

One should not worry about seeming lazy, they should just tell themself why they are stressed out, what they will have to do to complete the task at hand and most importantly, that everything will be ok. One should say the following to boost themselves up, its ok, I can do it I just need to do and it will all be done! Then take a deep breath.

  • Eat right:

Stress levels and a healthy diet go hand in hand. When one is stressed, they sometimes forget to eat well and rely on unhealthy snack foods to get through the day. Many people experience emotional eating at some stage in their lives. After a long day at work, the tiredness may manifest as boredom eating a bag of chips or a chocolate bar. When emotional eating is used excessively or as a primary means of dealing with emotions, it can have a detrimental effect on a person's life, health, happiness, and weight. Keeping a food log or diary to keep track of one's diet and try to change it is one way to improve this habit. A nutritionist or doctor may also be able to refer patients to an expert or provide them with additional details about how to build healthier eating habits and strengthen relationship with food. Emotional eating is a natural occurrence that is rarely linked to physical hunger. Some people succumb to it on a daily basis, while others may note that it has an effect on their lives and may even bring their health and mental well-being in jeopardy.

  • Laugh it off:

Laughter activates endorphins, which boost mood and reduce stress hormones and adrenaline levels. The nervous system is tricked into making a person happy by laughing. It is important to do or watch something that makes one happy. Although doing so might not be possible everywhere, taking 5 minutes to watch something such as impractical jokers or cartoons, or engaging in a try not to laugh challenge, is a choice. Moreover, laughter is a natural medicine that can boost mood, boost immune system, and also helps to cope with stress. When one is anxious, cortisol is a key stress hormone that circulates in the body. Cortisol levels can be reduced by laughing because it increases oxygen consumption and stimulates circulation in the body. Endorphins are known as brain's ‘feel-good’ chemicals that tend to raise satisfaction levels. Laughter increases the amount of endorphins released in the body, which helps to alleviate stress and encourage a good mood.

  • Exercise:

Exercise often does not imply heavy lifting in the gym or marathon preparation. In a stressful situation, a short walk around the workplace or simply getting up to stretch during a work break will provide immediate relief. Exercise, in almost any form, will help one to relax. Being physically active can help to release feel-good endorphins and divert one's focus away from everyday worries. Physical exercise increases blood flow and the body's capacity to use oxygen. All of these modifications have a significant impact on the brain. Exercise also boosts endorphin output in the brain. Exercise encourages an emphasis on the body rather than the mind because it includes repetitive movements. When exercising, focusing on the rhythm of one's body movements may have many of the same benefits as meditation. Concentrating on a single physical activity will boost motivation and excitement. This concentration will help one to relax and think clearly.

  • Proper Sleep:

Sleep and stress are inextricably related. Stress can have a negative impact on sleep quality and length, while a lack of sleep can lead to a rise in stress levels. Stress and a lack of sleep can also cause long-term physical and mental health issues.

  • Meditation:

After just eight weeks of consistent practice, meditation has been clinically proven to help relieve stress. It may seem boring but meditation helps one to feel calm in the mind. Meditation will help one to achieve a deep state of relaxation as well as a calm mind. Meditation has been shown in various studies to be an efficient stress-management technique, reprogramming the brain to the point that meditators have improved stress-management ability. During meditation, one concentrates their focus and clears their mind of the jumbled thoughts that might be troubling them and causing stress. Physical and emotional well-being can be improved as a result of this phase. Meditation triggers the body's calming reflex, which has the exact opposite effect on the body as stress does. It helps the body heal itself and prevents new damage from the physical effects of stress by restoring the body to a calm state. It can help to relax the mind and body by calming the stress-inducing thoughts that keep the stress response activated in the body.

Importance of stress relief

Stress reduction has social, familial, and individual benefits, including:

  • Reduced stress increases an individual's productivity at work and decreases the amount of sick days
  • Physical health benefits: Stress depletes energy and nutrients that could otherwise be used to protect the body (for example, from infectious diseases)
  • Reduced stress enhances sleep and decreases irritability, anxiety, and depression, among other psychological benefits
  • Improved interpersonal interactions with coworkers or family members are among the advantages of this programme