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The battery leasing market size is expected to reach US$ 687.41 Bn by 2030, from US$ 135.36 Bn in 2022, at a CAGR of 22.7% during the forecast period.

Battery leasing allows customers to lease batteries for energy storage rather than purchasing them outright. This helps reduce high upfront capital costs and provides flexibility. The key applications of battery leasing are in residential energy storage, commercial and industrial backup power, grid energy storage, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The service is gaining traction among utilities, commercial building owners, EV fleet operators, and residential consumers.

Battery Leasing Market Regional Insights

  • Asia Pacific: The Asia Pacific region has emerged as the fastest growing market for battery leasing over the last few years, accounting for over 34% of Countries like China, Japan, and South Korea have strong manufacturing capabilities and a growing consumer appetite for new technologies. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have boosted demand for industrial batteries from various sectors, such as material handling, telecom towers, and energy storage. Several multi-national companies have established leasing subsidiaries in major Asia Pacific markets to tap into the opportunities.
  • North America is expected to be the second-largest market for battery leasing during the forecast period, accounting for over 25.2% of the market share in 2023. The U.S. is a major contributor, housing the global headquarters of leading automobile manufacturers who are increasingly focusing on electric fleet deployment. Intense research & development investments across the region have led to the rapid development of next-generation batteries with higher energy densities and lifespans. Furthermore, a well-developed charging infrastructure network has encouraged the commercial adoption of battery-powered equipment.
  • Europe: Europe is the third-largest market for battery leasing, accounting for over 20% of the market share in 2023. The region is also investing in the development of battery technology and infrastructure.

Figure 1. Global Battery Leasing Market Share (%), by Region, 2023


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Global Battery Leasing Market: Analyst’s Viewpoint

The battery leasing market is still in a nascent stage but poised for strong growth over the next decade. The primary hindrance to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles is still the high initial cost of batteries, a challenge effectively tackled by the concept of leasing batteries. This model allows automakers to strip batteries out of the vehicle purchase price and let users pay for the battery separately through affordable monthly fees. This is expected to significantly improve affordability and drive more EV sales. Rising environmental concerns and stringent emission norms will continue pushing consumers towards electric options. Various governments have also introduced incentives and policies to promote electric mobility. On the supply side, improving battery technologies is extending driving range while lowering manufacturing costs. This makes leasing a more viable and attractive proposition for both automakers and customers.

Top of Form While China currently dominates the global battery leasing market, Europe is expected to see faster growth in battery leasing, driven by the continent's aggressive climate change agenda and push for electric vehicles. Automakers are proactively launching leasing programs in major European markets. However, reluctance among some customers to give up battery ownership and concerns over residual value could limit the market potential to some extent. Standardization across brands and a well-developed battery refurbishment and second-life recycling ecosystem will be critical for the battery leasing market to truly take off. Overall, factors like declining battery prices and improving charging infrastructure are likely to bolster the battery leasing market growth.

Battery Leasing Market Drivers

  • Growing demand for Electric Vehicles: The demand for electric vehicles has been steadily growing over the past few years due to rising environmental concerns and stricter emission norms. As EVs are still expensive due to the cost of batteries, leasing of batteries is emerging as a viable business model to help drive EV adoption. By leasing the batteries separately, the upfront purchase cost of EVs is reduced significantly for customers. This growing demand for affordable electric mobility is promoting the battery leasing market.
  • Reduced risk of technology obsolescence: The significant growth in the battery leasing market is driven by a diminished risk of technology obsolescence. Given the swift pace of technological advancements, batteries considered cutting-edge only a few years ago are rapidly becoming obsolete. This leads to battery owned assets declining considerably in value over short periods of time.
  • Looking forward, as battery technologies continue to improve rapidly in line with the expansion of electric vehicles and renewable energy integration, the total cost of ownership advantages of leasing over direct purchasing are only projected to increase. Sources like IRENA's transformation pathway anticipate a demand for 350 million electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030, initiating advancements in the industry and impacting stock values as manufacturers, suppliers, and investors seek to capitalize on the energy transition.
  • Growth in demand from commercial segment: The growing demand for sustainable energy alternatives is a major factor driving the expansion of the battery leasing market. Lithium-ion batteries that power electric vehicles have a limited lifespan and require frequent replacement. Battery leasing allows commercial customers, like fleet operators, to avoid the large upfront costs of battery ownership and switch to a pay-per-use model. This promotes higher adoption of electric commercial vehicles.
  • Moreover, the lithium mining required for battery production has significant environmental impacts. Battery leasing helps prolong the useful life of batteries through effective reuse, refurbishment, and second-life applications. After the initial lease period, the batteries can be reclaimed, remanufactured, and leased again for other applications. This closed-loop, circular battery supply chain model enables improved resource efficiency.

Battery Leasing Market Report Coverage

Report Coverage Details
Base Year: 2022 Market Size in 2023: US$ 164.49 Bn
Historical Data for: 2017 to 2021 Forecast Period: 2023 - 2030
Forecast Period 2023 to 2030 CAGR: 22.7% 2030 Value Projection: US$ 687.41 Bn
Geographies covered:
  • North America: U.S. and Canada
  • Latin America: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Rest of Latin America
  • Europe: Germany, U.K., Spain, France, Italy, Russia, and Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific: China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, ASEAN, and Rest of Asia Pacific
  • Middle East & Africa: GCC Countries, Israel,  South Africa, North Africa, and Central Africa and Rest of Middle East
Segments covered:
  • By Battery Chemistry: Lead Acid, Li-ion, Flow Battery, Sodium Sulfur, Others
  • By Application: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Grid Storage, EV Charging, Others 
  • By Business Model: BaaS, Energy-as-a-Service, Power Rental, Others
Companies covered:

Bounce Infinity, Sonnen GmbH, Samsung SDI Co., Ltd., BYD Company Ltd., Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited., Tesla, Inc., Fluence, NIO NextEV Ltd., Numocity Technologies Pvt Ltd., Voltup (Nucleus Energy Private Limited), KIA Corporation, Leo's Auto Inc., SUN Mobility, and Ocotillo Power (Black & Veatch Holding Company)

Growth Drivers:
  • Growing demand for Electric Vehicles 
  • Reduced risk of technology obsolescence 
  • Enhanced focus on sustainability
Restraints & Challenges:
  • High initial investment costs
  • Technological risks
  • Cyclical demand

Battery Leasing Market Opportunities

  • Expanding into commercial sectors: Expanding into commercial sectors is a major driver for the growth of the battery leasing market. As more electric vehicles are adopted for commercial fleets like delivery trucks, vans, buses, and shared mobility services, the demand for swappable high-capacity batteries is increasing rapidly. Commercial applications require batteries with higher energy density to allow for longer operational ranges. They also demand fast swap capabilities to minimize downtime during charging. Battery leasing solutions fulfill the needs of commercial customers very effectively.
  • Numerous logistics and e-commerce leaders are actively converting their vehicle fleets to electric power. For instance, Amazon, is an online retailer and web service provider, played a key role in establishing The Climate Pledge committing to reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. As part of this commitment, Amazon forged a partnership with Rivian is an American electric vehicle manufacturer and automotive technology, to deploy 100,000 electric delivery vehicles by 2030 and initiated the design of an innovative delivery vehicle.
  • Growth of shared mobility: The growth of shared mobility services such as ride-hailing and car-sharing has accelerated rapidly in recent years. With people increasingly adopting shared transportation modes over private vehicle ownership, it has driven the demand for electric vehicles among service providers significantly. As EVs require large battery capacities, owning batteries outright leads to higher upfront costs for companies. This is where battery leasing provides an attractive alternative.
  • Through battery leasing models, mobility operators can lease battery packs separately from vehicle purchases, paying only for the energy the batteries provide. This lowers their initial capital expenditure and allows for upgrades to new battery technologies. For battery manufacturers, it ensures steady income streams through long-term leasing contracts. With shared mobility continuing its strong growth trajectory in the coming years, more players are expected to electrify their fleets and look at innovative ownership models.
  • Emergence of energy storage applications: The emergence of energy storage applications presents a great opportunity for growth in the battery leasing market. As the world shifts towards more sustainable energy solutions and electrified transportation, large-scale battery storage is playing an increasingly important role. Utilities around the world are implementing major battery storage projects to help balance the intermittency of solar and wind power on the grid.
  • Large lithium-ion batteries for utility-scale projects require massive upfront capital investments. However, battery leasing models allow utilities to avoid such large capital expenditures and instead pay an annual leasing fee. This lowers the initial barrier of entry and makes battery storage a more viable option for utilities. Leasing also provides the flexibility to upgrade battery technologies over time as new chemistries emerge with higher energy densities and lower costs. For utilities, battery leasing can be critical in helping meet their renewable portfolio standards and greenhouse gas reduction targets in a cost-effective manner.

Battery Leasing Market Trends

  • Advancements in battery technology: Advancements in battery technology are a major driver reshaping the battery leasing market. Lithium-ion batteries have undergone substantial improvements in energy density and lifespan over the past decade, which has enabled new applications and business models. Batteries can now reliably power electric vehicles for longer distances on a single charge and store renewable energy from solar panels during daylight hours for use after sunset. These improvements address key barriers that were previously holding back widespread EV and energy storage adoption. As battery capabilities continue to advance, the total cost of ownership of EVs and home energy storage is becoming comparable to gasoline vehicles and traditional power sources.
  • According to U.S. Department of Energy estimates, the average per kilowatt hour cost of lithium-ion batteries has declined by 97% from 2008 to 2021, achieving $157/kWh on a usable-energy basis in 2021. This cost decline has been directly driven by ongoing advancements in materials, chemistries, manufacturing techniques, and economies of scale. As battery costs continue to fall, it becomes economically viable to lease rather than sell batteries outright. Many fleet operators are turning to battery leasing programs to realize the total cost benefits of EVs while avoiding large upfront investments. Leasing liberates more capital for fleet expansion and provides predictable operating costs.
  • Increasing battery capacities: The increasing battery capacity trend is significantly influencing the growth of the battery leasing market. With electric vehicles and portable consumer electronics demanding higher battery capacities, battery manufacturers are developing more powerful batteries that can store larger amounts of energy.
  • The battery leasing business model provides an alternative to traditional sales and transfers the risks of battery performance decline and recycling costs to the manufacturers and leasing companies. This benefits both manufacturers through assured revenue streams over the battery life and customers by paying only for the energy they use. The growing demand for more powerful batteries from different industries has accelerated the market size of third-party battery leasing and management services. Companies are ramping up investment in battery scaling, leasing contracts, smart monitoring tools and recycling infrastructure to tap into this growing market.
  • Partnerships between OEMs and leasing companies: Partnerships between OEMs and leasing companies are having a significant influence on the emerging battery leasing market. By teaming up, these companies are able to leverage their respective strengths to develop innovative, large-scale battery leasing programs that are changing how electric vehicles are powered. Overall, partnerships between vehicle OEMs and specialized leasing firms are enabling battery leasing to emerge as a viable business model within the growing electric transportation sector. By linking development and production expertise with financing and lifecycle management services, these collaborations are helping to accelerate electrification of fleets through innovative ownership models. As EVs continue to take market share, battery leasing programs will play an increasingly important role in the latest battery technologies and the environmental benefits of electric driving.

Battery Leasing Market Restraints

  • High initial investment costs: The high initial investment costs required to set up battery leasing infrastructure are one of the major factors restraining the growth of the battery leasing market. Setting up battery swapping and charging stations across cities and countries require huge capital expenditure. Battery leasing companies need to invest significantly in building a large network of these charging and swapping stations to cater to the growing customer base and compete effectively. This upfront capital investment puts strain on their finances and slows down the expansion of their infrastructure. However, it's essential to consider potential counterbalances to this challenge. Over time, as the battery leasing market matures and achieves economies of scale, the initial investment costs may become more manageable. Advances in technology and efficiency could also lead to cost reductions in infrastructure development.
  • Technological risks: Technological risks pose a significant challenge for the growth of the battery leasing market. As battery technology is evolving at a rapid pace, there is a constant need for upgrades and a transition to new chemicals with higher energy density and longer lives. However, this transition also brings uncertainties, which restrain organizations from making large investments in current technology and infrastructure. However, a potential counterbalance to these technological risks lies in fostering a flexible and adaptive approach. Embracing modular and upgradeable infrastructure can enable battery leasing companies to more seamlessly integrate new technologies as they emerge. Establishing robust research and development initiatives can help organizations stay ahead of technological advancements and proactively incorporate innovations into their offerings.
  • Cyclical demand: The battery leasing sector relies significantly on the ebb and flow of demand from diverse industries employing batteries in their machinery and operations. These sectors, including material handling, construction, mining, and utilities, undergo periodic fluctuations in their demand patterns, directly influencing the consumption of batteries. When economic activities within these industries decline, the acquisition of new equipment slows down considerably. This results in a reduced need for replacement batteries during such periods. Given that batteries have a finite lifespan and require frequent replacement, a deceleration in equipment procurement correlates with decreased sales and leasing demand for batteries.
  • On the flip side, during periods of economic upturn or increased industrial activities, there is likely to be a surge in equipment procurement. This heightened demand for machinery would subsequently lead to an increased need for replacement batteries, positively impacting the battery leasing market. The cyclical nature of industry demand thus presents both challenges and opportunities for the battery leasing sector, with economic fluctuations playing a pivotal role in shaping its dynamics.

Recent Developments

New product launches

  • By June 2022, Cellex Battery Systems Pvt Ltd, a startup headquartered in Coimbatore, India, is gearing up to introduce its innovative energy storage solution to the commercial market. This launch is scheduled for April 2022.Top of Form In the first stage of their plan, Cellex aims to set up an advanced manufacturing facility for energy storage solutions in the city, simultaneously progressing with the development of a state-of-the-art battery management solution (BMS).
  • In July 2023, Nio specializing in designing and developing electric vehicles, revealed modifications to its battery leasing initiative, Allowing users to exchange their battery packs for those with increased energy density is now a daily practice, departing from the previous norm of such exchanges occurring after extended durations, like months or years.Top of Form
  • In February 2021, Hyundai Motor is a South Korean multinational automotive manufacturer, announced its partnership with the South Korean government and prominent local companies to initiate a pilot battery leasing program specifically designed for fleets of electric taxis.

Acquisition and partnerships

  • In February 2021, Eelpower, a key investor and operator of extensive commercial energy storage facilities, entered into a partnership with EDF (Électricité de France S.A.) is an energy provider, supplying electricity and gas to homes and businesses in the UK, to serve as their next trading and optimization collaborator. This collaboration will encompass the trading and optimization activities of three large-scale battery projects, collectively amounting to 80MW, situated in the UK. The alliance underscores EDF's dedication to supporting the United Kingdom in its pursuit of Net Zero. Over a span of seven years, EDF's specialized teams will oversee the trading and optimization strategy for three battery projects in the UK managed by Eelpower.
  • In November 2023, under the terms of the arrangement, NextGen AssetCo, a joint venture split evenly between FirstGroup plc the leading transport operator in the UK and North America and Hitachi ZeroCarbon to deliver the industry's most innovative decarburization solutions, will acquire the batteries. Following the acquisition, these batteries will be leased to First Bus for a period of eight years. There is also an option to extend the lease beyond this initial period.
  • In October 2023, VinFast, the emerging electric vehicle (EV) player in Vietnam, disclosed plans to merge with VinES Energy Solutions JSC, the battery development and manufacturing division owned by its corporate parent Vingroup. The merger was facilitated by Vingroup chairman Pham Nhat Vuong, who contributed nearly all – 99.8% – of VinES shares to VinFast. This strategic merger is expected to bolster VinFast's autonomy in battery technology and its overall production chain by incorporating the intellectual property of VinES.

Figure 2. Global Battery Leasing Market Share (%), by Application, 2023


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Top companies in Battery Leasing Market

  • Bounce Infinity
  • Sonnen GmbH
  • Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 
  • BYD Company Ltd.
  • Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited. 
  • Tesla, Inc.
  • Fluence
  • NIO NextEV Ltd.
  • Numocity Technologies Pvt Ltd.
  • Voltup (Nucleus Energy Private Limited)
  • KIA Corporation
  • Leo's Auto Inc.
  • SUN Mobility
  • Ocotillo Power (Black & Veatch Holding Company)

Definition: The battery leasing market refers to the rental services for batteries used in energy storage applications. Instead of purchasing batteries, customers can lease them through monthly or annual rental plans. Battery leasing helps reduce upfront costs of energy storage systems across residential, commercial, industrial, and grid-scale applications. It provides customers with the flexibility to scale battery capacity as their needs evolve.

Frequently Asked Questions

High initial investment cost, technological risks, and cyclical demand are such factors hampering battery leasing market growth.

Growing demand for Electric Vehicles, Reduced risk of technology obsolescence, and Enhanced focus on sustainability.

The leading Battery Chemistry segment in the battery leasing market is the Li-ion batteries. Li-ion batteries have high energy density and low maintenance needs).

Bounce Infinity, Sonnen GmbH, Samsung SDI Co., Ltd., BYD Company Ltd., Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited., Tesla, Inc., Fluence, NIO NextEV Ltd., Numocity Technologies Pvt Ltd., Voltup (Nucleus Energy Private Limited), KIA Corporation, Leo's Auto Inc., SUN Mobility, and Ocotillo Power (Black & Veatch Holding Company)

Asia Pacific is expected to lead the battery leasing market.

The CAGR of the battery leasing market is expected to be 22.7% from 2023 to 2030.

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