Middle-aged U.S. Populace Report to Experience More Acute or Chronic Pain than Elderly, Study Suggests

Jan, 2021 - by CMI

According to a new study by the researchers of Princeton University and Arthur Stone of the University of Southern California (USC) have reported about rising prevalence of chronic and acute pain among middle-aged populace, in comparison to elderly population in the U.S.  This finding is based on the two-thirds of the U.S. population devoid of a four-year college degree, and researchers have reported about less-educated Americans have reported about experiencing more pain throughout their lives. In this study, researchers investigated on morbidity and mortality across the globe and employing survey responses of over 2.5 million adults, researchers compared the association between age and reported physical pain in the U.S.

Anne Case stated, “The connection between less-educated Americans and pain is shaped by a number of factors from income to social isolation to rising deaths of despair. It's of great concern to us, as researchers, that it seems to be worsening”.

In this study, researchers considered data from the surveys led by the U.S. Census Bureau, Gallup, and the European Union, where adults of age group of 25-79 in the U.S. and 20 other affluent countries reported of pain and recorded. Moreover, researchers also informed about limiting the American data to Black and White non-Hispanics. Initially researchers observed globally men and women about progression in pain with progression in their age, but after controlling education level, researchers observed that the two-thirds of the U.S. populace devoid of a college degree reported about more pain in midlife that might be result of social isolation, less marriage, more divorce, stagnant wages, job loss and several other factors, faced by less educated people.